A Heartfelt Thank You
Since the summer of 2021, IMN Solutions has been a key partner of TEA and played an integral role in fulfilling the full-time staffing needs of the association. From member services to operations management and nearly every role in between, IMN has filled key roles in the organization during the challenging years following the pandemic. Not only has their talented team helped us keep day-to-day operations of TEA running, but they have helped lead transformational initiatives in the organization such as our comprehensive member database implementation and website relaunch, rebranding of TEA’s signature annual event, INSPIRE, and countless internal processes and procedures that have helped TEA be a more effective and professional organization. Further demonstrating their professionalism, our dedicated IMN Team members have spent the last several weeks documenting their workflows and cross-training with the new TEA staff to ensure a seamless transition as we approach their last day with TEA which will be this Friday, 31 May.
I’d personally like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Laura Singler, Becky Nadora, Allison Winter, and Clara Allen for all of their hard work and dedication to TEA. Ladies, you will truly be missed by the rest of the TEAm and the many members of whom you have helped and befriended over the last year. I’d also like to thank my dear friends and colleagues Barb Myers and Melissa Tighe for their support and adapting to the changing needs of our association over the last several years. Your partnership has meant so much.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank TEA members for their patience, grace, and understanding as we embark on this significant staff transition and officially welcome your new, fully in-house TEA staff! While there are big shoes to fill, I know TEA and our members are in good hands and TEA’s future is bright with Chloe, Karin, Christine, Morgan, Ashley, and Terry on board. On to the next chapter!

With gratitude,
Lindsey K. Nelson, CAE
Executive Director
Themed Entertainment Association